Divorce Mediation

The Benefits of Mediation

Instead of a Judge or Arbitrator, making a decision about you and your family, the decisions are made by you as a couple and as parents (if applicable) in a safe and secure environment.  Mediation is considered the most cost effective way to resolve family issues.

Divorce Mediation & Kids WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?

Separation and the impact on children can be very complex. Children, as well as parents, feel the stress and confusion. Many kids feel angry, sad and frustrated about the prospect of their parents splitting up and are uncertain what life will be like afterwards. Your ability to communicate successfully with your child and meet their needs for safety and support. As well as take care of yourself, and maintain a civil relationship between parents will all have a positive effect on your child. 

Given the right support, your child will be able express their feelings, grieve their loss, and emerge from this unsettling time a stronger, more resilient person. Mediation increases parent’s ability to communicate with each other about the children’s best interests.

That doesn’t mean parents have to like each other after they separate. It does mean they have to find a different way of parenting as separated parents. I will help you determine a parenting plan, support and determine extraordinary expenses.

Effective and constructive resolution of conflict between parents has also been found to be related to reduced child emotional distress and behavioral problems (Shifflett-Simpson & Cummings, 1996). Observing their parents successfully negotiate and resolve their conflicts appears to promote children’s development of emotional self-regulation and interpersonal problem-solving skills (Hetherington, 1999).